måndag 21 mars 2011

The blonde, Swedish bimbo

I don’t know how many times I’ve been asked “Are all Swedes blonde?” since I came here. The answer is, of course, no. If I would make a guess, I would say it is approximately 50 percent blondes and 50 percent brunettes in Sweden.

I found a blog post from a man who has a blog about the Swedish culture, and in this post he writes about this “dumb blonde” stereotype. He posted the picture below.

Even if we have all the different hair colors in Sweden, I can usually tell if a person is Swedish or not, only by seeing them across the street. I don't really know why, but it’s a lot more than only the hair color, that’s for sure.

I thought that the picture above clearly shows what I was talking about. The girls in the picture are two of my best friends back in Sweden. One has blue eyes and blonde hair, the other one has brown hair and brown eyes, but they are both equally Swedish. 
So even the brunette bimbo exist in our small and cold country!

2 kommentarer:

  1. I seriously doubt that the brunette is just as Swedish as the blond bimbo (it just sounds too off-the-hook cookie). But pls tell us more, how about the myth about the smart blond Swedish girl? And do brunette Swedish girls get laid as often as the blonds (feel free to consider this a rhetorical question)?

  2. Hej hej! Hur m°ar du?(I apologize for the orthography) I have a Swedish friend who is a redhead and she has nothing to do with Ireland and Scotland. I guess there are stereotypes in all countries but you can´t take them for granted. There's a lot of differences in every country but there are stereotype that are more common than others. I'm from Mexico and I can tell you there are more brown or brunette girls than blondes, redheads, it dependes on the migration I guess, Sweden had immigrants from south america in the 70's so you guys might have Swedish latinos like in the US.

    Tack sa mycket!

    Hej da!!
